The PPF Workshops

Conference Day 4 - October 24th, 2024

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Led by Dr. Ingrid Pacey & Dr. Neil Hanon | 40 Spots | $399 (meals provided) | 8am-8pm | Conscious Mind Lab, Gastown

Dr. Ingrid Pacey and Dr. Neil Hanon, renowned experts in the field, will guide you through this journey, offering their extensive knowledge and support. Whether you are new to breathwork or have prior experience, this workshop will provide valuable insights and techniques to enhance your practice.


Led by Dr. Bruce Tobin | 20 Spots | $299+tax (meals provided) | 9am - 4pm | Venue TBD, Vancouver B.C.

This experiential workshop introduces clinicians to the use and merits of art-making activities (using oil pastel crayons on paper) within the psychedelic psychotherapy process.

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  • Join us for an immersive 1-day Grof Breathwork workshop led by Dr. Ingrid Pacey and Dr. Neil Hanon. Running from 8 am to 8 pm, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the transformative modality of breathwork in depth.

    Grof breathwork is an experiential method of self-exploration and psychotherapy that Stan Grof and his late wife Christina developed in the mid-1970s at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Holotropic breathwork combines faster breathing, evocative music, and releasing bodywork to induce intense holotropic states of consciousness, which have a remarkable healing and transformative power. This method provides access to biographical, perinatal, and transpersonal domains of the unconscious and thus to deep psychospiritual roots of emotional and psychosomatic disorders. It also makes it possible to utilize the mechanisms of healing and personality transformation that operate on these levels of the psyche. The process of self-exploration and therapy in holotropic breathwork is spontaneous and autonomous; it is governed by participant’s own inner healing intelligence rather than by following the instructions and guidelines of a particular school of psychotherapy. The sessions are conducted in groups participants work in pairs and alternate in the roles of “breathers” and “sitters.” The process is supervised by trained facilitators who assist participants whenever special intervention is necessary. Following the breathing sessions, participants express their experiences by painting mandalas and sharing accounts of their inner journeys in small groups.

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  • This experiential workshop introduces clinicians to the use and merits of art-making activities (using oil pastel crayons on paper) within the psychedelic psychotherapy process. 

    What are our goals in psychedelic psychotherapy?  What exactly is art-making?  How can visual expression of self, emotion and experience with art materials help prepare a client for a medicine session?   How does nonverbal expression help clients in representing their psychedelic experience?   How can art-making serve the goals of post-medicine integration? How can we best converse with clients about their art so as to enhance its  healing qualities?

    Let’s discuss these questions and more!  Participants will have the opportunity to engage “hands on” in a range of on-paper graphic activities, exploring them in both client and therapist roles in small learning groups.  

    No special art experience, training, or talent is required.  Come expecting to have some fun and some personal challenge as you expand your range of clinical skills.

    PRESENTER: Bruce Tobin, Ph.D.  RCC, ATR

    Bruce is the founder of TheraPsil.  He provided treatment with psilocybin to Canada’s first six legal medical patients.  He is now a senior clinical trainer with TheraPsil.   

    Bruce has also been a Registered Art Therapist since 1977.  He is a founding member of the BC Art Therapy Association (1979) and an Honorary Life Member.  He taught art therapy at the University of Victoria for 25 years, and is the author of the textbook Expressive Therapies Now.   He has been a psychotherapist in private practice and a workshop presenter since 1980, and has followed the history of psychedelic therapy since the 60s.  


    Participants: For professionals only.

    Maximum participants: 20

    Schedule: October 24: 1 day (9-12; 1-4) 

    Required Materials - will be provided for each participant

    Value of Presentation: This workshop extends a practitioner’s repertoire of practical clinical skills for psychedelic psychotherapists art therapists, and related professionals.

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